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Knot Intended Page 2

  Of course not. Joseph had never minded when other men looked at Nolie, but on the occasions when someone else had hit on her, Joseph had stepped up immediately to send the other man on his way. Nolie had always been turned on by the way her mellow husband laid claim to her at those times.

  She should have known better than to think he would want to bring someone else into their sex life when they’d just finished talking about the need to focus more on each other. But Nolie hadn’t expected anything else Joseph had said that morning, and she couldn’t simply assume anything about what he would or wouldn’t do. She couldn’t even begin to guess how far he would go.

  “I don’t know what you’re thinking at all,” she blurted.

  Joseph laughed. “Yeah. I did kind of throw this at you out of the blue. I’ve been thinking about it for a while. I just had to work up the guts to talk to you about the idea. I was afraid you’d think I was crazy. Don’t worry. I won’t do anything you don’t agree to.” He dropped his voice to a growl. “And I would never ask you to agree to another man. You’re mine.”

  The last words sent a thrill through Nolie. This was the Joseph who had turned her on so much at clubs and bars in their dating days, before they’d stopped making time to go out together. He wasn’t being possessive. He was simply making sure she remembered that they belonged together.

  She relaxed. Joseph would ask before he did anything. Maybe she couldn’t predict what he would come up with next, but at least she could be sure that he would fill her in rather than just acting on his plans.

  “You’re mine too, so don’t get any ideas about bringing in another woman,” she said.

  “Never that. You’re the only woman I want.” Joseph gave her a smug look, the one that had always simultaneously irked her and turned her on.

  This time, it had more of the latter effect. Her skin tingled as if Joseph was already touching her, and Nolie took a deep breath. If he kept up his intense flirtation, she would drag him into the bedroom, shove him on the bed, and slide onto his cock for a good hard fuck.

  It would make them late for work, but it would be worth it.

  The gleam in Joseph’s eyes told Nolie he knew exactly what he was doing to her. And the bastard was proud of himself.

  He tilted his head. “You haven’t answered me yet. Role-playing. Are you up for it?”

  Nolie hesitated. The idea excited her, especially knowing her husband would be the man fulfilling her fantasy. Maybe it would make sex more interesting. Trying something new could be fun. And she was definitely curious about whether mild, mellow Joseph would be able to act the part of a “nasty mean kidnapper,” or however he’d phrased it.

  She met Joseph’s gaze with a challenge in her own. “Yeah. I’m up for it. When and where?”

  He squeezed her hand and stood. “Not telling. I’ll make the plans, but I won’t let you in on them. You won’t have any idea when your ‘kidnapper’ will strike. So be warned and be ready. Oh, and one more thing…”

  Nolie rolled her eyes, exaggerating her irritation to cover the desire that wouldn’t let up. After Joseph left for work, she might have to take matters into her own hands. “What?”

  “When we do this, you have to promise no matter what I do or say in the game, you’ll remember I love you and I’m doing it to fulfill your fantasy,” he said quietly. “The last thing I would ever do is hurt you, but kidnappers have to be cruel, right? I might say or do things I wouldn’t usually, but they’ll be part of the act. I won’t mean them, and I need you to remember that. I want this to be fun, and it won’t be if you’re scared or I hurt your feelings. Promise?”

  Nolie nodded. In her fantasy, as the man held her down and fucked her, he called her names. Slut. Whore. Even cunt, a word Nolie hated in real life.

  In her imagination, the names only added fuel to her fire.

  Hearing Joseph say those things to her and having him hold her down or even slap or spank her might bother her. He was the kindest man she’d ever met, and behaving that way wouldn’t be like him at all. On the other hand, knowing his reasons might make his harshness okay.

  If the reality with Joseph was anywhere near as hot as her fantasy, she would come hard enough to scream. Merely thinking about it made her moan softly and shudder through another rush of heat and desire. Her pussy ached to be touched, but she forced herself to remain in her seat. Joseph had to go to work. He didn’t have time to fuck her.

  And that was the entire problem with their sex life. They didn’t have time.

  Joseph walked around the table to stand beside Nolie, so close she felt his body heat. The bulge in his jeans was obvious, and Nolie’s mouth watered.

  “You’re so turned on you can’t even get out of your chair,” Joseph said in a hoarse tone.

  “Yeah.” Nolie ran her hand up his inner thigh, and he hissed in a breath. “And you’re so hard you’re going to walk funny.”

  “No, I’m not, because you’re going to suck my cock right now.” Joseph undid his jeans and shoved them and his boxers down to his thighs. “And then I’m going to bend you over this table and fuck you silly.”

  He spoke so firmly Nolie couldn’t deny the command or her own craving to follow it. She barely managed to stammer, “What about work?”

  “Fuck work,” Joseph growled. “If I’m late, they can deal with it. It’s still early enough that you’ll be on time.” He stepped closer and slid his hand around the back of her head. “So suck my dick, babe. Now.”

  Chapter Two

  Nolie shivered with desire so strong she couldn’t deny it. Joseph had never been a forceful lover, and the way he was taking charge now surprised her.

  It was hot as hell. Her lower body tightened, and her pussy ached for some kind of touch. She had no doubt she would get exactly what she needed from Joseph. He wanted her. She could see it in the way he stared at her, hungry and intense.

  She couldn’t remember the last time she’d wanted Joseph so much, but she would have to wait her turn. First, she had to follow his orders. Her mouth watered. She wasn’t submissive generally, but right now she would have done anything Joseph commanded. Just that thought was almost enough to make her come.

  He pulled on the back of her head, bending her toward his hard cock. “Are you going to do what I say?”

  “Is this part of the game?” she asked, heart racing as she allowed him to move her. She wanted him to be aggressive for a change. Having Joseph in control was the biggest turn-on she’d had in their marriage, and she couldn’t wait to see what he did next.

  “Not yet.” He chuckled. “That would be too easy. You know it’s me. Consider this practice for all the dirty, slutty things you’ll do to me when we do play. For now, if you don’t make me come, I’ll have to jerk off in the truck on the way to work, which might be dangerous. You wouldn’t want me to wreck while I’m playing with myself, would you?”

  “No. I certainly wouldn’t.” She looked up at him and licked her lips. His cock was only inches away from her mouth. She wanted to touch her tongue to it, but held back. If this was what Joseph wanted, let him tell her.

  The desire to serve him somehow caught her off guard, but she craved it. Part of her fantasy, perhaps. Being kidnapped would mean doing whatever her captor ordered, after all, so it made sense that being commanded by Joseph would push the right buttons.

  “Don’t just sit there.” His hand still on the back of her head, Joseph pulled her almost imperceptibly closer to his cock. “I want you to suck me. So follow through. You want to do what I tell you, don’t you?”

  “Yes.” Nolie exhaled the word on a long breath. Her pussy pulsed to the beat of her heart as intense need raced through her body. All the times she’d imagined her capture and being taken forcibly by her captor, she had never considered how much of a rush it would be in reality.

  She had never dreamed it would become reality.

  She pulled Joseph to her with her hands on his thighs and ran her tongue over the head of his co

  He stumbled and braced himself on the edge of the table. “That’s so good,” he murmured. “Suck me. Don’t make me come in your mouth, because I want to fuck the hell out of you before I leave. But let me feel your mouth on me.”

  The growl in his voice on the last sentence sent another rush of heat and need through Nolie, and she stroked his cock gently. He sighed. “Harder, babe. You aren’t going to break me. You’re just going to make me want you so much I can’t stand it.”

  Encouraged, Nolie took the head of his cock in her mouth. She swirled her tongue around it, tasting the slight tang of precum. He was more turned on than she’d realized, and the discovery amped up her own arousal.

  Nolie couldn’t remember the last time she’d spent more than seconds with Joseph’s dick in her mouth. It was a shame. She’d always loved giving oral, hearing her partner’s moans and tasting the results of her efforts.

  She sucked Joseph’s cockhead and massaged his balls carefully. He moaned and murmured something Nolie couldn’t quite make out. His fingers tightened in her hair, holding her in place. If she hadn’t been so aroused, it might have hurt. As it was, having him claim her, demanding from her exactly what she wanted to give, only turned her on even more.

  In her current position, bending slightly in her chair, Nolie found taking as much of Joseph’s cock as she wanted difficult. She slid her lips down a bit more and wrapped her hand again around what her mouth didn’t cover. Moisture from her mouth slicked his shaft, making it easier for Nolie to move her hand.

  “This is so good,” Joseph said softly. “Not too much more, though. I want to fuck you. I can’t wait.”

  The words hit Nolie like a bucket of cold water. He can’t wait because he has to leave for work.

  She faltered in the rhythm of her hand and mouth, and Joseph took his hand off her head. “What did I say?”

  Nolie pulled back and pasted a smile on her face. She should have figured the mood wouldn’t last. This was their life now. Work and sleep broken up by occasional sex. Her heart ached. They had grown so far apart, even when they’d tried to keep things exciting and connected.

  “Nothing,” she said. “You didn’t say anything.”

  “Yes, I did, because I was getting the blowjob of my life, and all of a sudden you stopped.” Joseph paused. “I didn’t mean I can’t wait because I’m in a hurry. I told you. Fuck work. You’re more important.”

  For a second Nolie could do nothing other than look at him. Today was the first time he’d ever told her she mattered more than his job.

  Her eyes watered, and she swallowed the lump that rose in her throat. He really means this. He genuinely wants things to change between us.

  “Hey.” Joseph gently lifted Nolie’s chin with a finger. “I’m sorry, honey. I didn’t mean to kill the mood.”

  “You didn’t. You just made it better.” Nolie took a deep breath and looked into Joseph’s warm brown eyes. Her husband. The man she wanted more than anyone else in the world.

  And he was right there telling her she could have him. They had responsibilities. She would have to leave for work in less than an hour, and she couldn’t be late, or her homeroom class would run wild.

  But an hour gave them more than enough time to enjoy each other. To be desperate for each other’s touch and then quench that desperation. They’d spent too long letting external things interfere with what they really wanted. Of course they had to work. They couldn’t entirely ignore their lives.

  They didn’t have to ignore each other, though.

  Nolie licked the tip of Joseph’s cock, and her desire rose again. He hadn’t meant for her to hurry, only to prevent him from coming in her mouth. She should have taken his comment that way to begin with.

  “Oh, Nolie.” Joseph closed his eyes. “I’ve missed having you suck me like this, but I am way too close to coming right now. Stop, please. I don’t want you to, but you need to before I mess this up.”

  “There wouldn’t be a mess.” She grinned. “I would catch it. It’s been way too long since I tasted you.”

  “Not today.” Joseph tugged her hair. It didn’t hurt a bit.

  Nolie moaned softly and looked up at Joseph again. “You don’t know what you want, do you?”

  “I want to slide my cock into your sweet, tight pussy and fuck you crazy before I leave.” His voice was little more than a growl. “I want you on your feet, bent over your chair with your skirt hiked up around your waist. So let go of my dick and let me do what I want with you. You’re right. It’s been far too long, and I’m not waiting another second.”

  A hot chill ran through Nolie, and she hissed in a breath. This was the Joseph she wanted to see. It turned her on even more than she could have dreamed.

  Before she could respond, Joseph grasped her arms and yanked her from her seat. She gasped and quickly let go of him.

  “I told you to get up,” he said hoarsely. “Don’t start disobeying me now, sweetheart. You want this, don’t you?”

  “This is part of the game.” She barely managed the words between sharp inhales. Her excitement increased until her legs trembled. Not only because she was aroused as hell but also because of the tiny frisson of fear beneath her desire.

  She wasn’t afraid of Joseph. He would never hurt her. Knowing that for certain made his current aggression and commands even more thrilling.

  “Not a game, babe.” He whirled her around and placed her hands on the edge of the table. “This is real. This is what I want to do to you. Tell me now if you want me to stop, but remember that anything I do is because you want it.”

  Nolie’s thoughts spiraled, and through her haze of arousal she could barely understand what was going on. “I thought this wasn’t part of the role-play.”

  “It is what I say it is.” Joseph slid his hand around to cup her throat. “Do you want to argue with me? Tell me if you want me to be gentle. Otherwise you take what you get, because I have to admit hearing your hot little fantasy has me all revved up. We can’t go all the way with it this morning, but I am not in the mood to be easy on you.”

  “Mmm.” It was the only thing Nolie could manage to say amidst the heat and hunger building in her. There was no way she would stop Joseph from taking what he wanted from her. For years she’d wanted him to be more forceful in bed and had never dared to ask for it. Joseph was too calm and mellow, or so Nolie had thought.

  Now he was proving her wrong, and she was damned if she would put a stop to it.

  “So give me your promise,” Joseph said. “Whatever I do, you won’t hold it against me. This isn’t our role-play. This is me being so turned on by my sexy, dirty wife that I won’t hold back unless you tell me to.”

  “You don’t have to hold back.” Nolie shuddered as Joseph ran his hand over her throat. He was strong enough to crush her if he wanted, but he would never do so. The danger was only a tiny possibility, but it was enough to excite the hell out of her.

  “Then promise.” He slid his hand up, forcing Nolie’s head back. “Promise you’ll remember I would never hurt you.”

  Nolie’s breath caught in her lungs, and she shivered. Maybe Joseph wasn’t playing the role of her fantasy yet, but he was doing a damn good job of preparing. And she loved every second of it. She had only one concern about meeting his demand. “I promise, but what if you go too far?”

  “Good question.” Joseph nuzzled Nolie’s neck just below her ear. One of her sweet spots. She gasped and pushed back against him. He nipped her earlobe and said, “I’ll answer you as soon as I give you this warning: Don’t get too assertive. You wanted someone else to be in control, didn’t you?”

  “Yes.” Nolie whimpered and squirmed as Joseph touched his lips to the hollow of her collarbone. Another of her spots. “You’re making me so wet, Joseph. Please.”

  “If I go too far, say ‘enough’s enough.’” He caressed her throat and spoke so close to her ear, his hot breath tickled her. “Do you understand?”


  “Good.” He blew gently into Nolie’s ear, and she moaned. “All I can do before I leave is turn you on and fuck you hard. Is that what you want?”

  “Yes,” she murmured again.

  “And you know what to say if it’s too much.” Joseph pushed her skirt up around her hips and slipped a finger through the leg of her panties. “Good girl, not wearing panty hose today. Maybe it’s just because it’s too damn hot for the things, but I’d like to think it’s because you wanted your husband to fuck you at the kitchen table.”

  Feeling suddenly shy, Nolie didn’t answer. She couldn’t. Of course she’d chosen not to wear panty hose because of the unexpected heat of the late March day, but the ease of access for Joseph was an even better excuse. She just didn’t quite dare to say so. She was too out of practice at being naughty.

  The way this morning was going, though, she would have plenty of opportunity to regain her skills.

  “You don’t have to answer me.” Joseph stroked her swollen clit with his finger, and Nolie gasped and squirmed against his touch. “I know what you want. You’re so wet, babe. So ready for my cock, aren’t you?”

  “Yes.” It was her new favorite word, the only one clear in her brain through the heat and yearning for Joseph’s touch.

  He slowly pulled down her panties, and she braced herself as the air conditioning from the window unit blew against her wet pussy. She shivered, and Joseph slipped his hand between her legs from behind, covering her slit with his hand and wrist.

  “Cold?” he murmured against her ear. “Your pussy feels nice and warm. Do you like feeling my hand here? Holding you? Owning you?”

  “Mmm.” Nolie closed her eyes and pushed against Joseph’s hand. He was driving her insane, taking far too long to enter her, and yet she wanted to prolong it. She wanted to have everything he was willing to give her and didn’t want to rush a damn thing.