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Knot Intended Page 3

  Except they had no choice but to rush.

  “I can read your mind, babe.” He tightened his fingers for a moment.

  Startled and even more aroused, Nolie cried out. The pressure of Joseph’s hand was right on the edge between pleasure and pain, and the thrill of having her body possessed by him this way made the pleasure too strong to be outweighed by anything else.

  Joseph relaxed his grip. “Did that hurt?”


  “Did it feel good?” Joseph’s breath against her neck heated her even more.

  The need and cravings racing through Nolie were too much to ignore. Joseph may have been taking things slowly so he wouldn’t scare her, or maybe because he was trying to make her crazy. Either way, she couldn’t take it anymore, and words burst from her mouth before she realized she was going to say them.

  “Fuck me.” She pushed back against him. The bulge of his cock against her ass only made her want him more. “Please, Joseph. Fuck me.”

  “As you wish.” He chuckled and then his breath was gone as he stood.

  Nolie allowed him to move her as he maneuvered to enter her from behind. Usually, she preferred being face-to-face. She loved seeing the lust and excitement in Joseph’s expression when he fucked her and watching his eyes roll back in his head when he came. This time, though, having him take her from behind perfectly fit the urgency of the moment and Joseph’s commanding attitude.

  Just as Nolie felt him against her pussy, Joseph rammed into her with a force that took her breath away. It didn’t hurt. Not even close. She was wet and ready for him, needing friction and release, and being suddenly filled by his hard cock pushed her to the brink of climax almost instantly.

  He started fucking her hard and fast, gripping her hips tightly, and Nolie could only move with him and try to remember how to breathe. Despite her fantasies, she had never been one for rough sex, but she wanted more of Joseph this way.

  More of the hard thrusts that seemed to reverberate through her entire body. More of his hands on her bare skin, encouraging her to match his rhythm and meet each thrust while preventing her from getting away, assuming she’d be foolish enough to want to.

  The intensity of their fucking, hard enough to make the table shake despite its sturdy oak construction, sent Nolie spiraling toward orgasm, and she reached for the pleasure and release. Last time she and Joseph had fucked, she hadn’t—

  No. No thinking.

  Her breaths came now in sharp bursts. The aroma of her cooling coffee filled her nose, as did Joseph’s musk, which was slightly sweaty and completely him.

  He thrust even harder, grunting and moaning. Nolie thought he murmured her name a few times but couldn’t be sure. Her own pleasure and exertion wiped coherent thought from her brain.

  Her climax built, and before she realized it was about to hit, it exploded through her. Her legs shook, and she cried Joseph’s name as she bucked and trembled. Pleasure ran over her skin like a current, and she tried to breathe.

  Joseph groaned loudly, and his hands clenched on her hips. He slammed into her several times until, with a loud cry, he bucked and trembled against her. With several staccato thrusts, he filled her with his cum, moaning and panting.

  Gasping, Nolie looked over her shoulder. Joseph’s eyes were closed, his face flushed and sheened with sweat. His breath mingled with his soft moans.

  She had never seen him so sexy before.

  Slowly he opened his eyes and smiled. “Hi.”

  “Hi.” Nolie slowly exhaled. “Damn.”

  “Yeah.” Joseph kissed her back. “So yeah, aggressive fucking in the kitchen works.”

  “Um, yeah.”

  He withdrew from her and snatched a napkin from the table. Nolie let out a disappointed sigh as he bent to pull her panties up. She let him dress her and then smoothed her skirt down into place while Joseph cleaned up a bit with the napkin.

  “You usually shower after we fuck,” she said, wondering why she had to say something so lame.

  He chuckled. “I don’t have time. I’m cleaned up enough, and honestly, the idea of going to work like this turns me on. I just fucked my incredibly hot wife in the kitchen. If the guys knew, they’d be jealous as hell. So I don’t really want to wash off the proof.”

  Nolie laughed. “Are you going to brag to your work buddies?”

  “No. I’m not the kind to fuck and tell.” He pulled her into his arms and gazed into her eyes with an expression that melted her. “I love you.”

  “I love you too.” She nuzzled against his chest. “I almost wish we could take the day off and just spend all day in bed.”

  “We’ll add that to the list.” He kissed the top of her head. “I have to leave. Have a good day.”

  “You too.”

  She looked up, and Joseph kissed her. Nolie felt more passion in that kiss than she had in weeks. The heat between them built again, and Nolie braced herself, trying to push away a fresh wave of arousal. She would have to hope the drive to work quelled her desire, because she certainly couldn’t stay turned on all day.

  Joseph let her go with a smug grin. “See you this afternoon, babe. And be ready. You never know when I might decide to fulfill that hot-as-hell fantasy of yours.” Before Nolie could think of a reply, Joseph walked out the back door.

  Dazed, Nolie returned to her seat and picked up the cup of lukewarm coffee. “Be ready,” Joseph had said. She had no idea how to prepare herself when she didn’t know what she was supposed to be ready for. Clearly Joseph had a side he’d kept from her, and now he was letting it out, but that didn’t tell her how he planned to fulfill her fantasy.

  Then again, that was the point. She wanted something unexpected. Something she couldn’t prevent and wouldn’t want to. Joseph had taken in everything she’d said; she was sure of it. He wouldn’t discuss it with her, just act.

  And Nolie had to be patient, no matter how difficult that was.

  Chapter Three

  A week later, Nolie was still waiting for the “kidnapper” to strike. Joseph hadn’t brought up the subject again. They’d had a pleasant Saturday morning in bed, but Joseph had spent the rest of the weekend working, while Nolie prepared lesson plans and corrected papers.

  And “pleasant” was the only word Nolie had for their lovemaking on Saturday. Joseph had been his usual mellow, tender self. She didn’t mind it, but having seen his darker side, she craved more.

  She could have asked for him to take charge again, but in her mind that would have countered the purpose. If it wasn’t Joseph’s idea, it wouldn’t be as hot. She would feel as if he was only doing it because she’d asked and not because he truly wanted to.

  Between working over the weekend and their usual busy weekdays, they were barely in the house at the same time anyway. Every morning before he left, Joseph made a point of kissing and hugging Nolie, sometimes whispering sexy ideas such as going down on her or fingering her in the kitchen or having her suck him off while they watched TV in the evenings. Not that he was home in the evenings long enough to watch TV before bed, since he was working a later shift. And he didn’t act on his other suggestions either. But just the thoughts and the husky tone in which Joseph spoke left Nolie horny until she arrived at work. Then the realities of office politics and dealing with attitudinal teenagers took over.

  Toward the end of the week, parent-teacher conferences monopolized Nolie’s time and attention. Each conference night, she had to remain at the school until well past suppertime to accommodate the schedules of working parents. By the time she arrived home on Wednesday and Thursday, she was far too tired to even think about fucking Joseph.

  Not that it mattered. Joseph worked overtime those nights, and Nolie was asleep before he came home.

  By Friday, as Joseph kissed her good-bye before walking out the door again, Nolie was completely discouraged. All Joseph’s talk about making their marriage better and fulfilling her fantasy had gone out the window, the same as every other time they’d talked abo
ut making each other a priority.

  She couldn’t bring herself to complain to Joseph. During the few times they’d actually been home together, he had been more attentive to her. He’d even done the grocery shopping on Tuesday night so she wouldn’t have to. Maybe part of their conversation had gotten through to him. It just hadn’t changed anything about their sex life.

  Throughout the day, Nolie battled the urge to text or call Joseph and ask him whether he ever intended to follow through with what they’d discussed the week before. Talking to him over the phone while they were both working wouldn’t resolve anything. She needed to bring it up at a time when they could speak face-to-face, and she had no clue when that might be.

  She was thankful it was Friday. Her students weren’t any more focused than she, so she gave them worksheets and had them watch French videos online. She didn’t have to think about her job. Unfortunately, having her students occupied gave her more time to think about her marriage.

  At the end of the day, she was relieved to walk out the front door of the high school, despite the storm that had begun minutes earlier. She hurried through raindrops as lightning flashed and thunder boomed overhead. Fortunately, she hadn’t parked far from the door, but her hair dripped as she slid into her car.

  At least she would get home before dark tonight. And maybe Joseph would come home on time or early. It was the weekend, a perfect night for them to spend some time together.

  Maybe he would even remember her fantasy. This might be the night he fulfilled it. He had told her he would give her no warning.

  She doubted that would happen, though. Surely if he’d been as excited as he’d appeared about the idea, he would have followed through sooner. He had probably forgotten about the plans, if he hadn’t completely given up on the idea of role-playing.

  Even if they didn’t go through with Joseph’s suggestion, Nolie was determined to have time with her husband that weekend. They needed to talk. Nothing had changed in the past week despite the promises they’d made, and she refused to let that stand. Somehow she would get Joseph to sit down and give her some definite answers. She couldn’t be satisfied anymore with occasional complacent lovemaking and too much time apart.

  She wasn’t sure they would be able to find a solution. The marriage certainly was not going to end if she had anything to say about it, but it couldn’t continue the way things were now. She wanted a partner, not a roommate she sometimes fucked.

  When Nolie pulled into their driveway, Joseph’s truck was nowhere in sight. Of course. He was working late again, even though it was the weekend. She admired him for earning overtime pay and helping to ensure they had a nice house and everything they needed, but time with him would have meant more than any money he could bring in.

  Disappointed, she went into the house, kicked off her shoes, and sat at her computer in the living room to check her personal e-mail.

  At the back of the house, something crashed, followed by the tinkle of broken glass hitting the tile floor in the kitchen.

  Nolie jumped, adrenaline surging through her, and her heart pounded. A flash of lightning brilliantly lit the room for a moment, followed almost immediately by a boom of thunder. Wind howled through the bushes and wires outside the house.

  The storm. Of course. The wind had probably thrown a branch through one of the kitchen windows or the sliding glass door that led to their deck. Although it seemed unlikely, the possibility reassured Nolie.

  Through the pulse beating loudly in her ears, she strained to hear any sound that might indicate an intruder. Her breathing was shallow, but she couldn’t draw a deeper breath with the constriction in her chest.

  She should have just called the police. If she went to check on the source of the noise, it might be the stupidest thing she’d ever done. All the books she’d read where the heroine wandered off to check on suspicious things had annoyed the hell out of her, and she didn’t want to be one of those stupid women.

  But instead of picking up her cell phone from the desk beside her, she slowly rose from her chair.

  Glass crunched in the kitchen. Someone was there. Maybe Joseph had finally decided to go through with the role-play!

  But Nolie couldn’t completely believe the intruder was her husband. He was supposed to be at work. And he’d promised not to do anything without her agreement. She hadn’t agreed to him breaking into the house.

  She hoped to hell it was Joseph, but the possibility that it wasn’t scared the hell out of her.

  Trembling, she crept toward the kitchen and peered around the doorway.

  A man wearing a ski mask and mirrored sunglasses stood beside a scattering of broken glass. The sliding door was wide open.

  Nolie clapped her hand over her mouth, stifling a scream. Her legs shook so badly she couldn’t turn away to run.

  Even if they had cooperated, she was frozen.

  Someone was in her house, and she was alone with him.

  As she stood there, unable to move and with thoughts whirling through her head, the intruder lunged across the room and grabbed her. “You’re coming with me, bitch.”

  His voice was little more than a low growl in her ear, but she recognized it. She had heard it every day for years.


  Nolie took a deep breath and tried to calm herself. Excitement warred with fear and adrenaline within her. Joseph had left work early. He hadn’t forgotten their talk. And now he was going through with his plan.

  She never would have expected her quiet, sedate husband to go so far to fulfill her fantasy. He had broken the fucking glass door just to take her.

  Jesus. He’s really doing this. She shivered. The cool wind rushing through the door was only part of the cause. A very small part.

  Mostly, she shook from arousal stronger than any she’d felt in a long while. This was the hottest thing Joseph had ever done.

  He wrapped an arm around her throat and dragged her toward the door, stopping just short of the thickest concentration of glass shards.

  She struggled, playing along. “Please don’t take me. I don’t care if you rob us blind. Just don’t hurt me.”

  “Fuck robbing you.” He shook her, not hard but enough to let her know he was serious. “I didn’t come here for any of your material shit. I want you.”

  She tried to fight her way free. Despite knowing Joseph’s arms were the ones that held her, that his voice was the one in her ear, she couldn’t help being caught up in the game. Her heart had barely slowed, and the desperate need to escape her captor pushed all rational thought from her brain and added to her arousal. Joseph was giving her exactly what she’d wished for, and the desire for him to take her was far stronger than her fear.

  Her husband was one hell of an actor.

  She elbowed him in the gut. He grunted, and his grip loosened, but before Nolie could pull away, he tightened his arm around her neck and smacked her ass hard enough to sting. “Don’t piss me off, whore. You are not getting away.”

  “Wh-where are you taking me?” The shaking of Nolie’s voice was entirely genuine. She had never seen Joseph like this, and even though her rational mind knew he would never hurt her, his physical aggression scared her even as it aroused the hell out of her.

  She refused to tell him so. She had asked for this, and under her fear lay strong desire. Wherever Joseph intended to take her, he would certainly give her everything she wanted. Especially if he was already this far into the game.

  Her nipples stiffened, and her pussy clenched. This was everything she’d imagined, and she was completely safe with Joseph.

  She hoped.

  He yanked her arms behind her back and held her wrists together with one large, strong hand. “I guess I’m going to have to make sure you can’t fight too hard. Fucking bitch. Don’t you dare fight back again. You fucking hurt me, I’ll hurt you. Got it?”

  He still spoke in that dark growl. It should have terrified Nolie further, but instead it excited her. Heat built within her, and s
he half wished Joseph would fuck her right there in front of the broken sliding door where anyone might see.

  She kept her mouth shut. Right then, begging him to fuck her would ruin the game. In her fantasies, she never gave in. She fought until the moment her captor thrust his cock into her wet pussy.

  With Joseph, she would do the same, no matter how badly she wanted him. She wasn’t supposed to want him yet. That was the whole point.

  Cold metal touched her wrists, and something clicked. Handcuffs. Where the hell did he get handcuffs?

  “That will keep you more cooperative,” he said, satisfaction filling his tone despite the continued growl. “Now get moving, bitch. Don’t fucking ask any questions, and don’t even think about getting away. I’ll gag your pretty little mouth if I have to, but I don’t think you’d like that much.”

  Joseph knew Nolie hated having anything in her mouth when she couldn’t get it out. She’d told him that the first time she’d gone down on him. To Nolie, his statement proved that he remembered what she’d said. He had promised not to do anything she didn’t agree to, and she believed he was letting her know he intended to keep his promise. He knew she would never agree to be gagged. She was safe with him as long as she followed the rules of the game.

  And she was the one who set the rules, she realized. She had given Joseph enough details about her fantasy that she was fairly certain he would follow her script. If she couldn’t handle something he did, she knew what to say to stop him. He had given her the words “enough is enough” the day she’d told him the fantasy.

  She wasn’t ready to say it. Enough wasn’t enough quite yet.

  “Where the fuck are your shoes?” Joseph snarled into her ear. “We wouldn’t want those little feet of yours to get all cut up. I have to take your fucking ass out the back so no one will see us.”

  “My shoes are by the front door.”

  He yanked her back against him, and she gasped. “You wait right here.” He caressed her throat with a touch too firm to be called gentle. “Don’t you fucking move. Don’t even think about calling for help. I’ll make you pay if you fuck this up.”